The Greenville News from Greenville, South Carolina (2024)

APRIL 4, 1966 THE GREENVILLE NEWS, GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA PAGE SEVEN Apples Of Abbeville's Eye ABBEVILLE-These three Abbeville High them overseas. From left are Tommy MurSchool students have been honored for out- doch, Judy Coleman and Bobby Bull. (Photo standing achievements outside of school ac- for The Greenville News by Fletcher W. Livities. All three have won trips, two of Ferguson.) 2 Of Them Overseas 3 Abbeville High School Students Earn Excursions By FLETCHER W.

FERGUSON ABBEVILLE The Abbeville community, and Abbeville High School in particular, are proud of the accomplishments of three students whose efforts beyond the realm of school activities have earned them trips, two of them overseas. Tommy Murdoch and Bobby Bull, members of the sophom*ore class, and Judy Coleman, a senior, are the current envy of fellow students. Tommy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C.

Murdoch, is in Chicago, attending the National Youthpower Congress as winner of state competition. He won the boys division at Columbia recently, where he was sponsored as county representative by the Abbeville County Farm Bureau. Greenville Protestants Plan Easter Services Two interdenominational vices for Protestants will highlight the Easter religious, observances in Greenville, includin.g a three-hour Good Friday service, to begin at noon at Buncombe Street Methodist Church, and a traditional Easter sunrise service to begin at 6:30 on the lake shore on the Furman University campus. The Good Friday services will include seven 20-minute sessions with various visiting ministers to bring meditations on the seven last words of Christ. Dr.

J. Graydon Dukes, pastor of Northgate Baptist Church, will bring the first meditation on "Father, Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do." The prayer will given by Rev. Edward L. Hooper, pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church. At 12:25 p.m., the second period will find Dr.

Robert Bar Bose, host pastor, speaking on "Today, Thou Shalt Be In Paradise." The prayer will be by Rev. James Covington, pastor of Aldersgate Methodist Church. The third last words, "Woman, behold thy son; thy mother," will be the meditation topic at 12:50 for Dr. C. Newman Faulconer, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, with the prayer by Reviune A.

Horne, pastor of Methodist Church. At 1:15, Rev. William L. Palmer, pastor of Edwards Road Baptist Church, will talk on Christ's tragic cry, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" The prayer will be by Rev. Bernard S.

Dren- ser-nan, pastor of St. Paul Methodist Church. At 1:40, Rev. Harlan Wilson, assistant pastor of the host church, will speak on "I Thirst," and Rev. W.

J. Vines, pastor of Berea Friendship Baptist Church, will give the prayer. The sixth service, beginning at 2:05, will find Rev. John I. Kilby, rector of St.

Andrew's Episcopal Church, giving the meditation on "It Is The prayer will be by Rev. James F. Trammel, pastor of Northside Methodist Church. The final meditation, on "Father, Into They Hands I Command My Spirit," will be given by Rev. Samuel Rufus Glenn, Methodist district superintendent, while the final prayer will be by Dr.

D. M. Rivers, pastor of Pendleton Street Baptist Church. The sunrise service will be sponsored again this year by Greenville Christian Ministers' Association with Rev. E.

D. Dixon, pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church on Hudson Street, to preach the sermon. He will be introduced by Mr. Palmer, association president. Other program participants will be Rev.

Billy Joe Bridwell, pastor of Rock Hill Baptist Church, scripture reading; Rev. McNeill, pastor of St. Matthew Methodist Church, morning prayer; and Rev. C. R.

Hickman, pastor of First Christian Church, benediction. The Easter morning program is being arranged by Rev. Loyd pastor of Augusta Heights Baptista Church. Cliffside Man Held On Attack Charge CLIFFSIDE, N. C.

(UPI) 23-year-old Cliffside man was held Sunday on a charge of rape in connection with an assault Friday night on a young housewife. Donald Ray Deaton was identified by the woman as her wattacker. She chose him from a lineup Saturday at the Rutherford County Jail, police said. She said she got off work Friday night at 8:30. She said she walked to her car on a lighted street in Cliffside and while she was looking in her handbag for her keys, a man asked her to take him to her car.

When she refused, she said, he yanked open the car door and ordered her to "move over." The woman said he drove her to a secluded spot just off U.S. 221 near the South Carolina line where he threatened to kill her, demanded she undress, and raped her. the Then he took her to a sandpit near Cliffside, she said, where he threatened to kill her. She said he got out of the car, and when he did, she grabbed the keys and ran, halfclothed, to the home of Buddy Thompson, about a mile away. Thompson, a former Rutherford County deputy sheriff, immeditely called the county jail.

Greenwood County 10 Grass, Woods Fires Called 'Siege Of Arson' All of the blazes were brought Furniture stored in the barn For- under control Sunday with the owned by Raymond Beacham Smith assistance of forestry firefight- was destroyed, department offires ing crews from Newberry, ficials said. Sunday Abbeville and McCormick coun- Officials at the Epworth forties, the said. est fire tower south of Greenwere The worst ranger, the 10 fires was wood reported minor woods set." a blaze off State Highway 34 fires in Edgefield and Abbeville anyone about five miles east of Green- counties Sunday afternoon. Both fire wood. The fire burned about fires were brought under confullest eight acres of pines and de- trol.

stroyed a vacant house, Smith Forestry officials repeated blow- said. earlier warnings that woods are or Sat- The city fire department re- extremely dry and urged resiCounty ported that a grass fire at 3:10 dents to observe utmost cauSmith p.m. caught a barn on fire on tion. By MIKE ELLIS said. East Cambridge Avenue Ext.

Anderson Job Corpsman Drowns In Texas River: SAN MARCOS, Tex. (UPI)Rufus Leon Martin, 16, a Camp Gary Job Corpsman from Anderson, S.C., drowned Sunday in the San Marcos River while on a routine pass from the camp. San Marcos residents swim in the river the spring and summer months, but the river had been placed off limits by Camp Director 0. J. Baker since last April, when another Job Corpsman drowned in the same area.

Baker said two swimming pools had been opened in the past week at the camp, but that Mrs. McCall Is Dead At 92 Mrs. Alice Neely McCall, 92, died at her home, Sixth Woodside yesterday at 8 p.m. after a week of serious illness. Born in Greenville County Dec.

29, 1873, she was the daughter the late William and Nannie Picklesimer Neely. She lived in Clayton, and Highlands, N.C., before moving to Greenville 30 years ago to live in the Woodside community. Mrs. McCall was a Baptist. Her husband, the late Julius W.

McCall, died Dec. 13, 1961. Survivors include three daughters, Miss Elsie McCall and Mrs. Ethel Dryman, both of Greenville, and Mrs. Dovie Collins of Clinton; a son, William Arthur McCall of Greenville; four sisters, Mrs.

Mollie Angel of Morganton, N.C., Lula Watkins of Asheville, Mrs. Etta McKinney of Highlands, and Mrs. Margarette Nix of Pine Mountain, four brothers, George of Satoloh, Preston Neely Highlands, Louie Neely of Scaly, N. and Stince Neely of Highlands; 7 grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be announced 1.

by Thomas McAfee Funeral Home. Special Services To Mark Holidays Beth Israel congregation will mark special services today and tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Temple in connection with the observance of the Passover holidays which begin at sunset today. Seder services will follow at individual homes. RUTHERFORD ROAD BAP.

TIST Church will be in revival through April 10 with services at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker is Rev. James Finly, pastor of Double Springs Baptist Church at Tuxedo. There will be special music each night and a nursery will be provided. Rev.

Carl Bell is host pastor. Bamberg County Senator Injured BAMBERG (UPI) State Sen. Frank R. Hartzog of Bamberg County, was injured Sunday night in a traffic accident as he returned home from a visit at Olar in Orangeburg County. Hartzog was taken to Bamberg County Hospital where he was treated for a back injury.

His condition was reported fair. Unusual Sentence Makes Him A Prisoner Of Time A 16-year-old textile worker was released from the City Jail last night after completing an unusual and severe five day sentence. The youth, who works at a local textile plant to help support his family had been sentenced to stay at the jail for five between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. He was released each day to report to his textile job by midnight.

After he completed his eight-hour shift, he returned to jail by 9 a.m. City Judge Robert N. Daniel Jr. sentenced the youth to work during the 14 hours he was in custody and did not specify any time for sleeping. This left the boy two hours for traveling via bife to his job, bathing and sleeping if he did any.

Events That Make UPSTATE! People Into News CLEMSON POET CLEMSON Poet James Dickey, who attended Clemson University on a football scholarship in 1942, will read selections from his works in the chemistry auditorium at the university Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. Dickey's works include "Buckdancer's Choice," a winher of the National Book Award which is a candidate for the Pulitzer poetry to be awarded May. Prize, The poet attended Clemson one year Force then joined the U. S. and flew more than 100 combat missions during World War II and the Korean War.

He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Vanderbilt University. MEN'S COURT CLEMSON Fred J. Gassaway of Donalds has been elected a member of the men's residence court at Clemson University.

Gassaway, son chia Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gassaway, is a member of the Baptist Student Union, the 4-H Club, Glee Club and Agriculture Economics Club. VOTER BOARD ANDERSON The Anderson County Board of Registration OIL PRODUCERS WASHINGTON Oil is produced in 25 of the states now compared with 18 states in 1917.

FIX BROKEN DENTURES ES AT HOME IN MINUTES Amazing new Quik-Fix repairs broken plates, fills in cracks and replaces teeth like new. Fast! Easy to use! No special tools needed. No costly dental billa. Works every time or your money back. Accept no substitutes, always ask for BRIMMS QUIK- FIX At Denture All Drug Repair Stores Kit has scheduled the following reg- News Staff Writer GREENWOOD State estry Ranger James termed 10 grass and woods in Grenwood County "a siege of arson." Smith said the 10 fires "definitely deliberately The ranger warned that caught starting a woods will be prosecuted to the extent of the law.

"If the wind had been ing today like Friday, urday, all of Greenwood would have burned." Fire Probe Walhalla Man Not Charged WALHALLA Oconee County officers Sunday released a man being questioned about three forest fires last Friday, but said a probe would continue. Deputy Sheriff Frank Alexander said the fires, all on private property, "seemed to follow a pattern. We believe they were set, but we're not positive. "We will carry on an investigation and hope to come up with something on it soon, Alexander said. Sheriff Floyd Owens announced the Walhalla White man, arrested for questioning, was released without charge.

The fires popped up in three different locations Friday afternoon. All were spotted by the Oakway Fire Tower. Two were near Walhalla and the third near Poor Mountain. They came during a period when forests and brushlands were tinder-dry because of lack of rain. The sheriff also said that a Seneca area man was released Sunday shooting after of a questioning neighbor in the Friendship community early Saturday morning.

William (Bill) Duncan, 45, was hit in the left leg. Woman Dies Here Of Burns A 69-year-old Negro woman of 509 Oscar who suffered burns over 30 per cent of her body, died yesterday at 7 a.m. at Greenville General Hospital. Greenville County Coroner George W. McCoy identified the woman as Mrs.

Lillian J. Arnold. Hospital officials said Mrs. Arnold suffered burns on her arms and face. Coroner McCoy said Mrs.

Arnold, who lived alone, was burned early Thursday morning when she apparently lost consciousness and fell into an open fire place. He said the woman's clothes caught fire and when she regained consciousness alerted her neighbors with her screams. Her neighbors extinguished the burning clothes and rushed her to the hospital where she had been in poor condition since Thursday. Easter Services Set For Oconee WESTMINSTER Oconee County Presbyterian churches will hold a series of special Easter services beginning Monday at 8 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

Rev. C. L. Letson of Walhalla will speak at the opening service. The services will be conducted nightly at 8 p.m.

through Friday. Tuesday Rev. Stuart Nickles of Westminster will speak at Bethel Presbyterian Church near Walhalla. Rev. Allen Johnson of Seneca will speak Wednesday at Walhalla; and Thursday Rev.

W. R. McElrath, Bethel pastor, will speak at Richland. Holy communion will be observed Friday at Seneca Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Mr.

McElrath as speaker. About 100,000 Europeans live on boats and canal barges, says the National Geographic. istration dates for April: April 4, 5 and 6, Anderson courthouse; April 11, Pendleton; April 13, Belton; April 18, Belton Mill; April 19, Williamston; April 20, West Pelzer; 25, Pelzer Mill No. and April 26. Piedmont.

How You May Never Take a Laxative Again! New Miracle Regulator Keeps Waste Soft -So Bowels Move Naturally an extensive water safety prowas available for the trainees. The youngster had been at the camp since last November, and was enrolled in an automobile repair course. Sound Of Music Author Is Dead NEW YORK (AP) Russel Crouse, author of numerous Broadway shows, died Sunday at St. Luke's Hospital. He was 73.

In 1946, Crouse won Pulitzer Prize for "State of the Union," but his most famous work was coauthored with Howard Lindsay 1939, "Life with Crouse gained his greatest success in a theatrical career of collaboration with Lindsay. The Broadway show for which Crouse, wrote the book was the hit musical, "'The Sound of New York, N.Y. (SpecialAfter 12 years' research, scientists have discovered a wonderworking substance that corrects constipation entirely without laxatives! Doctors say most constipation occurs when waste loses moisture in the colon--becomes dry, hard, difficult to move. To give relief, laxatives have to force action by flushing, irritating or distending the intestine. The new miracle substance known medically as dioctyl sodium -works in a completely different way.

It is not a laxative! It simply makes natural moisture in the colon moisten and soften dry, hard waste more effectively. Then normal elimination follows naturally. Thus by working only on waste. not on you, the substance corrects constipation and restores regularity as no laxative can. This new discovery has now been made available at drugstores under the name REGUTOL.

It is safe not habit-forming. No warning on the label--no prescription needed. Try REGUTOLdiscover for yourself that you may never need to take a laxative again! Advertisem*nt Bobby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H.

Bull, and leaves Friday for New York and a trip to Ireland, Scotland and England as a "Young bus" winner from The Column: ville News. He has won several other trips as a carrier for The Greenville News-Piedmont Co. Along with this activity, he has been an outstanding athlete, having won several South Carolina state swimming championships and earning Abbeville High School monograms in football and track. Judy is the daughter of Mrs. J.

Carl Coleman, and in late June will go to Europe for a month-long concert tour as a member of the School Band of America. She is the first from Abbeville to audition and win a seat in the nationwide, scholastic musical organization, and only the second from South Carolina. Judy is ranked among the top clarinetists in scholastic music organizations in the nation. In state competition she has been awarded the coveted "I' rating in solo work and for three consecutive years has been a member of the All-State Band. All three of the students are recipients of honor grades at Abbeville High School, where Principal Robert Snead commented, "The entire community is proud of their achievement, and we hope their be a continued inspiration to the entire student Anderson County PUBLIC RECORDS ANDERSON Following are public records from the files in the Anderson County Courthouse: PROPERTY TRANSFERS 3.83 acres, a to Pendleton Beulah Township, S.

Campbell, $5. H. Hand Larry T. and Leatrice W. Bryant to Ola M.

Lay, lot, Centerville Township, $350. Marvin M. Lay to Tommy S. McDowell, lot, Centerville Township, $1,000. Barbara S.

and Thomas Carter Jr. to Martha F. McCrary, land, Rock Mill Township, $1,200. M. F.

Dunlap Jr. to Wayne F. and Christine L. Smith, lot, Anderson, $3,900. O.

Pierce to Tommie L. and Mary C. Pierce, land, Varennes Township, $10,000. Robert L. and Frances Y.

Steely to Township, Harold Vaughn, lot, Broadway $17,350. Ned Dobbins to W. P. Beacham lot, Centerville Township, $2,500. Ralph D.

and Clyde M. Fowler to Henry F. Fowler, lots, Centerville Township, $2,333. Evie Sue B. McCullough to Atlantic Construction lot, Anderson County, $3,766.

Atlantic Construction to Johnny K. and Shelby S. Stowe, lot, Anderson County, $6,641. Ruth M. Kelly to Randolph James and Harold A.

Kelly, lot, Anderson County, $5. Melbourne Heights, to Eda S. Martin, lot, Anderson County, $6,000. Marshall Holtzclaw to Archie Leroy Whitt, lot, Belton Township, $1,190. Marshall Holtzclaw to Raymond David and Shirley Chapman, lot, Belton, First Township, $2,800.

Tabernacle to E. A. Horne, Secretary land, of Anderson Housing and County, Urban $10. Development, $6,500. to Willis Earl Cole, lot, AnW.

E. Watson to City of Anderson, lot, Anderson, $5. Foster Ellison to James Larry Ellison, land, Williamson Township, $2,000. J. C.

Sloan Sr. to John W. and Margaret P. Timms, lot, Pendleton, $7,000. T.

Ree McCoy to Joseph T. and Ruby C. Lupo, lot, Centerville Township, $3,500. Neil W. Chastain to Louise M.

and Thomas S. Wilson, lots, Anderson, $9,000. Lawyers Title Insurance Corp. to W. and Mildred M.

Penn, lot, Centerville Township, $1 and other considerations. Newton Newell Jr. to Wendell K. Betty J. Shaw, lot, Broadway Township, H.

$3,400. Morrison to J. C. and Billie Hoyt Sue lots, Anderson County, $500. Elizabeth McDowell, executor, to Clodes and Sarah Williams, lot, Anderson, $2,800.

M. M. Keown to Johnny Wade Brown, lot, Varennes Township, $12,487. Albert and Julia Mae Cash Batchelor to Marcelle Burdette Morse, lot, Williamston, $7,000. Virginia C.

Bradley and Margaret C. D'Amato to Vernon T. Charles M. Cox, land, williamston. $5,500.

J. Fred and Onzelle Craft to Lawrence W. and Rosamond W. Boulanger, lots, Centerville Township, $10,000. John B.

Nixon to Doris P. Nixon, lot, Centerville Township, $5. Alice and Robert Lee Morgan to James Howard Cole, lot, Pendleton, $900. S. B.

Owen to David C. and Sally J. Hunter, lot, Centerville Township, $2,600. Jimmie Lee S. Chenault to Herman L.

and Elsie M. Ambrose, lot, Belton, $5. Charles A. Carter and Fred N. Henson ship, to $3,300.

Eugene Szabo, lots, Fork TownEarl M. and Ann G. Jarrett to M. L. Jarrett, lot, Rock Mill Township, $1,000.

George E. Whiten to J. C. Bell, lot, Broadway Township, W. $800.

John C. Cobb and Glenn Hawkins R. and Robert D. Tinsley, lot, Hartwell Lake, $700. William Jack McAlister and W.

McAlister to Arnold McAlister, lot, Garvin Township, $200. MARRIAGE PERMITS Ned Ronald Martin and Mary Ann Rollie Anderson, Carrel Smith, Starr, and Dorothy Ann Fields, Iva. easy way to "do it yourself" SAVINGS AND INSURED $10.000 SAVINGS I ACCOUNT FEDERAL A SOUTH ASSOCIATION OF OFFICE: 328 GREENVILLE, STREET BUNCOMBE invest for with a First Federal savings account. Start saving with any amount (a nest egg if you have one), add to it every month. First Federal will boost it with generous dividends.

Then, when you plan home improvements, get the real experts to do the job, pay for it with your own money, and be a sidewalk superintendent. Start saving now have money when you need it, for any purpose in life! put first things First FREE PARKING FIRST FEDERAL DRIVE- IN SERVICE SAVINGS SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION YOUR SAFETY OF MAIN OFFICE: 320 BUNCOMBE STREET INSURFD BRANCH: 1101 WADE HAMPTON BLVD. UP 10 $10,000 BRANCH: MAIN STREET MAULDIN CORPO Phone 233-7434 Walter P. White, President Within 20 minutes a search party of deputies and highway patrolmen were scouring the area. Three suspects, including Deaton, were arrested and taken to the jail.

There they were lined up with two other men and from the five the woman picked out Deaton. Saturday he was charged with kidnaping and rape by Rutherford County authorities. He is in Rutherford County jail awaiting his premliminary hearing Friday. India-Pakistan Reunification 'Only Solution' NEW DELHI, India (AP) The chief of a. right-wing Hindu group declared Sunday reunification of India and Pakistan is the only permanent solution to their long quarrel.

M. S. Golwalkar, chief of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, told a news conference the two nations were historically one and must become one again. Present-day India and Pakistan formed British colonial India. given independence in 1947 and partitioned into two sovereign States.

The unusual sentence was passed Tuesday after the youth was arrested on a bench warrant. The boy was originally charged with damaging private property. He was sentenced to report to the police department for six Saturdays to pick up paper. He was to report each Saturday at 8 a.m. He came the first Saturday, but was late the second because his employer would not let him off early.

After that the youth did not come at all. After his failure to report on the third Saturday, the bench warrant was issued. When originally arrested, the youth's parents posted a $60 appearance bond which the court is sill holding even after the sentence has been passed. Invest by April 11th Share Our Dividend from April 1st!.

The Greenville News from Greenville, South Carolina (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.