The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

SLOAN MARSHALL WELCOMES A SON-Sgt. Carson R. Gentry of Marshall RFD years and nine months, received a warm "Welcome Home" from upwards of 5,000 a celebration at Marshall yesterday afternoon. A veteran of fighting with the soldiers of another war, Maj. Gen.

John E. Sloan of Weaverville, and Marshall Eisenhower Talks Taxes, Farm Problems WASHINGTON (AP)Eisenhower talked taxes, farm problems and civil defense with a series of callers today. In addition he' got a report on Brazil from Mrs. Fleur Cowles, writer and editor, who visited the South American country last summer, Charles R. Sligh president of the National Association "of Manufacturers (NAM), told' newsmen he discussed the NAM's tax program with the President.

This includes a proposed manufacturers' excise tax -of 4-1-2 to 5 per cent. Slight said Eisenhower told him the Treasury is carefully studying the situation and hopes to come up with a "fair and equitable" solution. Eisenhower told a news conference last week he will not propose a retail sales tax but did not rule out a manufacturers' excise Allen B. Kline, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, said he discussed the federation's farm program with the President and also invited him to attend the federation's Chicago meeting in December. Kline said Eisenhower would be unable to attend.

Mrs. Cowles was in Washington as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Civil Defense. She said that besides reporting on her Brazilian trip she discussed with the President the problem of giving the public enough information about the danger of air raid disasters to "motivate" an efficient civil defense system without: frightening people. Oxford Suicides Worry Officials OXFORD, England A ford University officials admitted today they are alarmed over the growing' number of suicides among undergraduates at the famed school. "It is extremely distressing," Vice Chancellor Sir Bowra told university authorities in his: annual review.

"The number of suicides among young men is more than it ought to be. It is useless to argue that, after all, it is a very small- percentage of a large number. There should be none at all and we cannot but feel some responsibility for it and ask ourselves what we can. do about Sir Maurice did not mention any. figures, but.

nine undergraduate suicides known been committed between January, 1947 to August 1953, two of them in this academic year. MEET A MAN with Security H. J. ROGERS REPRESENTING HOME SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE CO. IN ASHEVILLE 16 Members (Of Family Die In Fire MARLBORO, Vt.

In Six children perished last night in a fire that wiped out the family's tworoom home, into which they had moved only yesterday. Two other children were rescued by a baby sitter. The dead are Caroline Hesco*ck, Diane Hesco*ck, Marilyn Hesco*ck, Earl Hesco*ck; Lucille Bohl, 9, and Roger. Seaton, months. Mrs.

Dorothy Seaton, 18, lived in the same house and who was watching the children in the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hesco*ck, rescued Dennis Bohl, 8, and Cathy Hesco*ck, 2 months. She suffered serious burns. Mr.

and Mrs. Hesco*ck were in nearby Wilmington to pick up the rest of the furniture from their previous residence. The Bohl children are Mrs. Hesco*ck's by a previous marriage and neighbors said Mrs. Seaton is Hesco*ck's daughter by his own previous.

marriage. Fire officials believed the fire started in a pantry but could not learn its exact cause. Germans Establishing Factories In Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO The German Cloeckner iron and steel company' is planning to build plant in Brazil. Other German firms that are locating factories in Brazil are Krupp, which will build diesel locomotives and make other products; Mannesmann, which will turn outtube steel, and Volkswagen, will manufacture light cars and the first to bring out a completely Brazil-made car. AF Adviser Calls For 'Skin Banks' CHICAGO (UP) -A civil defense and Air Force adviser today called for the creation of nationwide "skin banks" for use in the thousands of critical burn cases an atomic attack would bring.

The skin, taken from bodies rather than living donors, can be used as a sort of "biological" dressing that relieves intense pain, protects burn areas and disfigurement, as well as actually increasing survival chances. It would be "'invaluable" because of the major fires sure to follow an atomic blast in any American city, according to Dr. James B. Brown of Washington University, St. Louis.

He admitted that Americans would have to be "enlightened" to the humane necessity of donating skin from their backs when they die. It could be written into wills, or elose relatives can approve the removals before burial. Because of the new technique. Brown said, "we don't have to give up on a single patient with severe burns." The civil defense and Air Force adviser described the new dead skin technique here yesterday at the Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, One of its most beneficial properties is its ability to ease the almost unbearable pain associated with severe burn cases. Poison Liquor Fatal To Man, Says Coroner SHELBY, N.

C. (P Coroner Ollie Harris reported today that Lee Tallent, -33, -of Rt. 3, Lawndale, died Monday as the result of drinking "white liquor that" was poisonous." Officers did not disclose the source of the whisky. Harris said (no inquest would be conducted. 16 The Asheville (N.

Times, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1953 Mrs. India Edwards Resigns One Democratic Party Post NORTH: ROBERTS 3, a prisoner of war in Korea for two Marshall and Madison County residents Seventh Division, he is shown above with Mayor Clyde M. Roberts. Red Plots To Be Bared, Kane Says CLEVELAND, O.

(UP)- U. S. Dist. Atty. John J.

Kane said today the "full story of the Communist conspiracy in Ohio" would be told when eight "Midwest big wheels" in the Communist Party go on trial. Kane indicated the testimony in the trial would reveal how the Reds tried to establish "cells" in local industrial plants, schools and colleges, and welfare agencies. The eight were arrested by the FBI in a three-state roundup yesterday. Kane said that Joseph Brandt, 43. arrested in Newark, N.J., was suspected of supervising the beating of a man here last year: who was believed to have been an FBI informant.

Brandt was the organizational secretary of the Communist Party in Ohio. Four of the eight were in jail here, unable to post a $25,000 bond. Their hearing has been set for Oct. 20. Kane said that if the grand jury indicts them, he will ask an early trial, possibly in.

Noember or December. If convicted on charges 'of conspiring to overthrow the government by violence they could be sentenced to five years in prison. Kane said the persons arrested apparently were aware that they had been under FBI scrutiny for sometime and were not surprised when arrested. CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL 21" TABLE LAMP This full beautiful 21" high, lamp red is wine exactly as colored pictured base, .94 rich parchment shade one of the most graceful lamps we have ever had at anywhere near this low price! LAY- NO USE CHARGE OUR AWAY Intmore 15 BROADWAY DIAL 3-4457 FOR STORAGE FURNITURE WASHINGTON (AP)- India Edwards resigned today as director of women's actvilties for the Democratie National Committee. She will continue to serve as vice chairman of the committee, Chairman Stephen A.

Mitchell apMrs. Katie. Louchhelm of Washington as new director of women's activities, Mrs. Louchheim alternate Democratic National Committeewoman for the District of Columbis and served on the platformcommittee during the 1952 convention, Her husband. Walter.

C. Louchheim is a private consultant on financial and investment matters in Washington, Mrs. Louchheim was born in New ork City and was graduated from Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, in $1921. The post of director of women's activities 1s full-time, salaried job but the committee declined to say what salary Mrs. Edwards received or what will be the salary of Mrs.

Louchheim. Mrs. Edwards gave two reasons for quitting the post which, she had held since 1948: am a happily married woman and I wanted to follow my husband." He is Herbert T. Edwards who resigned last spring as head of the motion picture program in the State Department's Overseas. information program.

2. "There comes a time to move on, step out and let new blood come in." Mrs. Edwards said she. and her husband were leaving Washington for California next Mopday to visit their grandchildren. She said she had no idea where they may settie down.

In a letter of resignation to Mitchell, Mrs. Edwards said she would "retain the vice chairmanship since it is an elected post and one that does not entail day to day activity at national headquarters." She suggested that Mrs. Louchcheim, "dynamic, young be named to take her place as director of women's activittes. Herbert Hoover Opposes Giving Red China Seat WASHINGTON (AP) -Ex-President Herbert Hoover and Democratic and Republican congressmen were listed last night as signers of a petition urging President Eisenhower to firmly oppose the seating of Red China in the United tions. Rep.

Judd (R- chief thor of the nine-point document, said the petition, with an explanatory letter, was mailed to about 1,000 persons, asking their himsel, support. Judd Besides Hoover and said, the petition signers (D-Mass), Sena- include. tors Sparkman (D-Ala) and Smith Rep. McCormack (R-NJ), Joseph C. Grew, former ambassador to Japan, and Charles Edison, former governor of New Jersey.

Judd one of the objectives of the "to dramatize before the world the opposition of the American people 'to the Chinese Communists, who have been at war with the- United Nations and everything it stands for." The usual railroad hopper car holds 60 tons 'of coal, super sized cars now on the rails hold upwards of 100 tons. Dodge Shows 1954 Models DETROIT (OP) -Dodge today introduced its 1954 model cars featuring a fully automatic transmission, greater horsepower and a "super deluxe" series at the top of its price range. No were revealed. The Chrysler division is the first of the "Big makers to display its new cars. Other Chryslermade cars will be introduced later this month and next month.

new transmission, called "powerflite," combination torque converter and two-speed. clutch as in previous models. L. Desmond, general sales manager. said the unit is 1001 pounds lighter and contains some 100 fewer parts, than the heaviest competitive automatic drive.

The Dodge line includes a new "Royal series, in addition to Coronet V-8 and straight 6, and the Meadowbrook V-8 and six. No Restrictions Placed Upon Surplus Lands WASHINGTON (P) -The government has decided to place no special restrictions on the use of upwards of 30 million acres of land erpected to be diverted from wheat, cotton, and corn under surplus control programs next year. This decison was disclosed by Howard Gordon, head of the Agriculture Department's Production and Marketing Administration. It means that -farmers will be free to use land taken out of wheat, cotton and corn for grass, pastures, soy beans, -flaxseed, -oats, barley, rye grain sorghums or any other crop except thost specifically controlled under marketing quota and acreage allotment programs. Wheat farmers already have approved marketing quotas for their crop, "and similar controls are being.

drafted for cotton. Corn may be subjected to the less restrictive planting allotments. The department plans, however, to set price supports for possible alternative crops at levels which in themselves would not serve as incentive to overplanting. President Will Attend Dinner Of League NEW YORK (AP) -President Elsenhower will attend a dinner marking the 40th anniversary of the anti-defamation league of B'nai Brith on Nov. 23, in Washington; the league announced today, 'The league, a Jewish educational and civil rights agency, will present its 1953 America's Democratic Legacy Award to the President at the dinner.

The league, annually presents the award, a silver medallion, to an American "who has made distinguished contributions to the ment of America's Democratic Legacy." The dinner will be part of a fourday anniversary program, from I Nov. 20 to 24. Harmony In Alabama And Not Much News MONTGOMERY, Ala. (UP)-Gov. Gordon Persons, gomplimenting the legislature -on.

'the cooperation it gave to his office and vice versa, said harmony under his administration has been pretty tough on Alabaina newspapers. "We haven't fussed, we haven't fought. and there ain't no news in harmony," he told a final joint session of the lawmakers. NOTICE State of North Carolina, County. of Buncombe.

The undersigned, having qualified executor of the estate of Ralph H. Ward, late of Buncombe County, this to notify persona having claims regainst said estate to: present them to the undersigned 1617 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, N. C. 08 or before the 23rd day of September, 1954. OF this notice will be pleaded in bar of same.

All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This, the 23rd day of September. 1953, C. E. TIMSON, Executor of the Estate of Ralph H.

Ward, Deceased (2535) Sept. 23, 00. Oct. 7. 14 21, 28.

1963. Burke Firm Asks OK Of Bus Fare Hike RALEIGH (-The Utilities Commission had on file today an application from Burke Transit Co. of Morganton for approval of a five-cent increase in bus fares which the company put into effect on Aug. 17. In its petition, the said it was not aware the company, new fares into effect that they had to be approved by the commission.

It asked the commission to approve the increase and make them retroactive to Aug. 17. The company reported it had. a deficit of $7,858.13 at the end of business last June 30. Arrest Blamed On Mosquito And Garbage Men CULVER CITY, Calif.

(9-Louis Gueret says he owes his presence in jail to a mosquito and two garbage collectors. He went to bed thinking about the big auto agency near his home, he, told kept police yesterday. "I thinking about burglarizing that building, and when a mosquito woke me up about 3 o'clock I decided, to go over and get the Job The garbage collectors -saw him inside and called police. PAY So Now! So Modern LESS So Practical SAV-A-BED At Ortmore FURMITURE 7 PIECE GROUP. THE BACK.


The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.