Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)

'it Gc Huntley, cousin of pilot AAikc Smith Li I "TTxlTT TT1 TM TFTY A TV PUB ISSN NO. 0738-5137, ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1986 PRICE 25' MO tit i drag sales 9 mBer racket seisec i i Mount IN THE MONEY Nash County Sheriff Frank Brown shows about $78,000 seized an Enfield residence Wednesday morning. Law Economic iBOGKY 1 Si cotics laws involving the delivery of one kilo of cocaine, about 2.2 pounds. On Jan.

14, these Nash County men were arrested: 'Theodore Daniels, 29, Route 2, Box 145-AA, Enfield; William Watson 31, Route 1, Box 169-D, Battleboro; and Tim-mie Richardson, 27, Route 1, Box 611, Battleboro. The fourth man, Donald Ray Daniels, 35, Route; 1. Box 48, arrested in Enfield on Jan. Upon searching his residence, agents found a half-kilo of cocaine, Another half-kilo was seized in a "stash house" near Beatrice Daniels', residence, 'Brown said. Beatrice Daniels is the mother of -U The Evening VOL.

75 NO, 111 -18 PAGES enforcement officers believe the cash' was obtained through drug sales and a numbers racket. (Telegram photo by Elaine Conger) indicators view that the economy has finally rebounded from a period of sluggish growth. The December advance matched a 0.9 percent August gain and followed revised increases of just 0.2 percent in November and 0.6 percent in October. The changes left the index at 173.6 percent of its 1967 base. Many private economists cautioned that the big December rise was overstating the current strength of the economy.

They noted that U.S. manufacturers are still being battered by soaring trade deficits. In a separa te report Commerce Department said the U.S. trade deficit soared to a record $148.5 billion last year. And the deficit was growing worse as the year ended with December's imbalance setting a monthly record of $17.4 billion as imports soared by 8.7 percent while exports fell by 5.3 percent.

Many economists have said that for the economy to stage a long-lasting rebound the dollar will have to decline further to relieve some of the competitive pressures on manufacturers who have seen their overseas markets dry up as they had to fight a flood of cheaper imports at home. Indeed, the dollar has declined 24 percent in value since its peak last March. For 1985, however, the nation's disastrous trading performance held back overall growth. The economy, as measured by the gross national product, grew only 2.3 percent, the weakest showing since the recession year of 1982. Sm jump in December I 1 1 ii d1" 111, STUDENTS FOR seen with bulletin board transferred to a laser disc, PEACE Nanette War- for space shuttle was lost in the shuttle ex- ren's sixth-grade class at Challenger in background, plosion.

(Telegram photo Spauiding Elementary Their pledge for peace, by Marion Blackburn) School in Spring Hope is Spauiding students had part in Challenger's space flight Clear, cold tonight, low In 20s. Details, page 3. without bond, in Cumberland County jail." v.v. Brown said the money is immediately forfeited to the U.S. government, under new federal drug laws passed in October 1985.

The Nash County Sheriff's Department will be able to apply to the U.S. Justice Department to share a portion of the money, he added. If the Justice Department agrees, the money will be used for county law enforcement. Nash County has elready shared some of the assets in the form of a vehicle with Harnett County, he added. ms God does not want us to go to Heaven that way," Asked if they thought this disaster would affect the future of the space program, the students replied that from now on, the technicians will have to be "more careful, more controlled.

They're tutting people's lives on the ine." Some said it may be harder to get astronauts, which will affect space ventures in the Soviet Union as well. Larry Antill replied that we should "keep on out into the universe. The space shuttle is still safer than a car." -Mrs. Warren's class plans to send McAuliffe's husband and family a sympathy card. They were looking forward to her lessons, and felt saddened by her death.

Viewing videos of the explosion, Mrs, Warren noticed that as the fuel tanks separated from the shuttle, smoke trails formed a peace sign. Perhaps the peace pledge and this tragedy will give new meaning to their bulletin board a new beginning. relating to the chemicals, and information relating to the case has been canceled from the Police Information Network computer, the News and Observer reported today. Less than a year ago, the SBI an- nounced that Charles H. McDonald, a forensic chemist who had worked at the Swannanoa lab.

had admitted taking some $300,000 worth of drugs from the lab. McDonald, who was fired but not prosecuted, did not say he took any of the precursor chemicals, Morgan said. The federal Drug Enforcement Administration participated in the 1981 raid, and Morgan said the agency doesn't know what happened to the chemicals. "DEA doesn't know what in the hell went on either," he said. "We've contacted them, and they don't know whether they picked it up or they didn't pick it up.

Their memory is vague. I can't imagine anybody dealing with cocaine and precursor and not having a record of everybody that touched it." I Fred Gregory, DEA resident agent in charge for middle and western North Carolina, would not comment Wednesday. 11 By ELAINE CONGER Staff Writer NASHVILLE Law enforcement officers Wednesday morning seized from an Enfield residence more than $73,000, money collected from drug sales and a numbers racket, Nash County Sheriff Frank Brown said. Brown said special agents from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, the State Bureau of Investigation and detectives from' Nash, Halifax and Harnett county sheriff departments confiscated the money at the home of Beatrice Daniels, Route 2, Box 145-AA, in the Ringwood community of Enfield. Brown said the seizure was the result of a tip he received about one week ago.

Based on the information, agents from the Drug Enforcement Task Force, Detectiye Milton Reams and Brown began an investigation which led them to Daniels' home. Although the money had been collected from drug sales, only a small amount of marijuana was found in Daniels' home, Brown said. No charges have been lodged against Daniels. When searching the residence Wednesday morning, Brown said, officers found three safes buried in concrete. Officers also found large amounts of silver, he said.

"There were buckets this high," Brown said, raising his arm to nearly waist level, "filled with silver coins." However, coins in the five-gallon buckets will not be used in the pending court case since "it would be difficult to prove they sold drugs and got 50 cents or 25 cents," Brown said. Brown said money had been stashed throughout the house. "I reached my hand in a vase and pulled out this," he said, pointing to one bundle of bills on the desk. The seizure follows the mid-January arrests of four men charg- -ed with violations of federal nar- Man guilty in tax case GREENSBORO (AP) A Winston-Salem' man who told Duke Power Co. employees he had Erepared tax returns for 38 years as been found guilty of eight counts of preparing false returns.

E. Clayton Seagle II, who was found guilty on Tuesday, is scheduled, to be sentenced Thursday. He could be sentenced to up to three years in prison and fined $100,000 on each the Internal Revenue Service said in a prepared statement. Seagle testified he prepared amended tax returns for 300 employees of Duke Power. Testimony in the trial showed Seagle prepared amended federal and state income tax returns claiming employee business expenses for 1981-83.

tobacco provisions for a separate House vote. Rose, chairman of the House tobacco subcommittee, said Petri's move was not a serious threat as long as the tobacco bill is protected from a separate assault. "A separste vote poses a serious problem," he said. The legislation was designed by Sen. Jesse Helms, and Senate allies to engineer a buy-out of surpluses by the major cigarette manufacturers.

The companies would buy the surplus under discounts that would cost taxpayers an estimated $1 billion in losses on outstanding government loans. Petri said in his letter that the tobacco bill conflicted with Congress' effort to implement the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings act for balancing the federal budget. working farmer" for the post, Reagan said Lyng "has been a pretty hard-working farmer most of his life." The new secretary-designate, who faces Senate confirmation proceedings, has spent most of the last two decades involved in agricultural marketing. He served as a director. of the Commodity Credit the Agribusiness Advisory Board and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Donald Ray Daniels and Theodore Daniels.

The suspects probably paid about $38,000 to $40,000 per kilo and sold the drug by ounces, for a total of about $92,000, Brown said. Brown said the investigation is continuing and more arrests are anticipated. This case was initiated in November 1984, and since that time, the Drug Enforcment Task Force has arrested and convicted 12 people involved in the case, and seized another $250,000 in cash and assets, Brown said. Both Daniels brothers and Watson are under pretrial detention, held mm by schoolteacher Sharon Christa McAuliffe. Upon its return, the disc was to be presented to the United Nations, then buried in a time capsule in Arlington National Cemetery.

Mrs. Warren's class was thus especially interested in the shuttle explosion. "It was shocking," 11-year-old Lori Richardson sadly remarked. "My poor laser disk." The students showed mixed feelings. Tony Parker said he was "surprised," then "angry." Most of the students agreed.

They were concerned for McAuliffe and shocked at the tragedy. They, sought to explain the explosion. Anthony Arrington thought the main engine set off a chain reaction too fast. "It was so sad," he said. Some students wanted to blame another country, terrorists, technicians, or even the astronauts themselves.

"We are too close to Heaven," Lori added later. "The teacher said she wanted to meet the Lord. missing from the Western Regional Laboratory at Swannanoa and that a probe is under way. The Swannanoa lab is one of two SBI drug labs in the state. The other is in Raieigh.

Morgan acknowledged that security at the two labs is inadequate and said he would seek funding from the Legislature to boost security. An SBI source told the News and Observer of Raleigh that to test security, SBI agents broke into the Raleigh lab last week and stayed more than an hour without being detected. Morgan would not confirm or deny there was such a security test, but he said steps had been taken to increase security at both labs. "We're doing all we can with the money we have," he said, "We've had high-priced SBI agents standing guard over here." The chemicals missing from the Swannanoa lab were seized April 24, 1981, in a raid by state, federal and local agents on an underground lab near Banner Elk. The SBI learned they were missing in October.

A source said the agency also is missing its laboratory file report -J-----r 2 V3 By MARION BLACKBURN Staff Writer Covering the walls just inside the entrance to Spauiding Elementary School are color posters of the space shuttle Challenger, and. a flyer on Christa McAuliffe. Student excitement over the space program and the shuttle flight was especially high because of the sense of involvement. "It was the closest chance we would ever have to go in space," Mrs. Nanette Warren said.

Her sixth-grade class had been given the opportunity to participate in ooth a worldwide peace pledge and the space program. A Washington, D.C.-based group, No Greater Love, invited children from every member country of the United Nations to sign a pledge of peace. Their signatures were then transferred to a laser disc. NASA participated by having the disc containing all the signatures carried on the shuttle government's main gauge ot luture economic activity rose a sharp 0.9 percent in December, the best in 11 months, the Commerce Department reported today. rThe December performance for Index of Leading Indicators jnarked the eighth consecutive in crease and the strongest gam since January 1985, when the index surged J1.3 percent.

The eood showing was certain to cited as evidence to support the Reagan administration's optimistic ir FOCUS Assault A ROCKY Mount man has been charged with assault. See page 11. Actor LEIF ERIC-SON, best remembered for his role in televi sion's "High Chaparral," died Wednesday in Pensacola, Fla. He was 74. (AP Laserphoto) Record mark N.C.

WESLEYAN'S Daniel Wright breaks school scoring mart in Bishop wm. Page 12. Big upset NORTHERN NASH stuns Big East-power Elizabeth Qty wortneasiern. fa*ge 12. Reading index Business 6 Legals 16, Classified 16-18 life 5 Comics 14 Local 11 Crossword 14 Obituaries 2 Editorial 4 Sports Horoscope 14 Weather 3 The'Telegram service desk Is open (to 7 p.m.

daily; 8 to 10 a.m. Sundays, Please let as know if you don't get yoar paper by then. -K A Rose sees no serious threat to leaf program Drug materials stolen from SBI WASHINGTON (AP) A foe of the federal tobacco program has launched a campaign to defeat legislation meant to save the gram, but Rep. Charlie Rose says it's not a serious threat as long as the measure stays attached to the budget bill. In a letter to House members delivered Tuesday, U.S.

Rep. Thomas Petri, called the tobacco legislation forged in the Senate a "billion-dollar bailout" of the tobacco He urged House members to unite against the measure, which is part of a stalled deficit-reduction bill. i "Where today most actual tobacco farmers are serfs to absentee landlord allotment holders tomorrow, if this passes, they will both be vassals of the cigarette companies," he said. Petri said in an interview Wednesday that he would try to uncouple the RALEIGH AP) Chemicals sufficient to make 130 pounds of synthetic cocaine, with a street value of about $25 million, are missing from a State Bureau of Investigation laboratory in Buncombe County, a newspaper has learned. "We're trying our best to see if there is something that we can find that we can bring an indictment for," SBI Director Robert Morgan said.

"I've got two men working full time on it right now. Morgan confirmed Tuesday that the precursor chemicals were after leaving the California Department of Agriculture. He has also served as president of the American Meat Institute, an dustry group. Acknowledging that 'we have a farm problem," the president said Lyng, in implementing the new farm bill adopted last month, "will help get farming more into the market economy and rectify some of the things that have been wrong" with federal farm programs. Lyng new agriculture secretary WASHINGTON (AP) President Reagan Wednesday named Richard E.

Lyng, once the No. 2 official in the Agriculture Department, to succeed John Block as head of the agency. Reagan, introducing Lyng at a brief Oval Office ceremony, said the nation's farmers "are going to have a sound and solid friend in Dick Lyng" as they work to overcome the economic problems Uiat continue to plague the farm belt. Asked why he didn't chose "a.

Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)


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