Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (2024)

Thelast lamp, on the pipe machine in the engine room, is lit. So now the mechanics hut,at the stairs to the hanging platform, should also be open

However,henyou go to that Mechanics hut, you notice that the lamp next to the door isnow burning but that thedoor is still closed.

You have tosolve another puzzle,somewhere else, to get into this Mechanics hut. This Mechanics hut has 2entrances, 1 at the hanging platform and 1 on the North Shore, where the ovenis. Do you emember that device on top of theview point above the oven? That device did not have any power at that time. Well, that device has powernow, because you now have all the lights lit on the pipe device in the Engineroom hut. . Sogo to the North Shore again and go past the oven to the ladder.

Climbup and follow the path to the other side of the rock.

Younow must solve thispuzzle toopen the the door of the Mechanics hut on this side

Zoomin on the device, you see 4 rings with a dark piece in each ring. Name the darkpieces, and therefore also the rings, from the outside to the inside A, B, C,D. Inthe middle you see a turning wheel with which you can twist the rings and on the rightyou see a Selection button to select the rings.On the left you see a lever but it isstill blocked. You can also see that a light is on at the 3 o'clock and 9o'clock position. You must use the selection button and the turningwheel to turn all rings A, B, C, D until all 4 dark segments of the rings are at the light on the 3 o'clock position

If you press the selection button a few times you notice thatyouhave 4 options.

1x clicking the selection button select Ring A + Ring C.They then turns simultaneously when pressing the turning wheel

2x clicking the selection button select Ring A + Ring D.They then turn simultaneously when pressing the turning wheel

3xclicking the selection button select Ring B + Ring D. They then turn simultaneously when pressing the turning wheel

4x clicking the selection button select Ring B

.Ring B then turn on its own when pressing the turning wheel

First put all the dark pieces on the 12 o'clock position. You have to reasonbackwards just to find the right order to do it. Ring B is thelast one because it is the only ring that you can turn without another ringturning with it. (4).That’swhy you must have done ring D before that. (3). Before that ring A (2) and firstyou have to set ring C in the correct position (1) With the options 1 and 3 you can move2 rings together.

Sothe order is: first ring A + ring C to set C right,

after that turn ring A + ring D to put A right

Thenturn ring B + ring D to put D right and at last ring B to put B right.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (1)

Whenyou have set all the 4 dark segments of the rings at the 3 o'clock position something happens inside the Mechanics hut.

The door of that hut on this side will be open

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (2)

Turnaround and walk to the ladder and climb down.

Do not walk to the Main Square, but goup the stairs to the Mechanics hut on the left in the corner.

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The entranceof the Mechanics hut on this side is now open but the other side, at the HangingPlatform, is still closed. Enter Mechanics

TheMechanics Hut

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Inthe middle you see a round table, walk towards it. There is a letter on theleft, read this. In the middle is a gray paper.

Clickon it and you will see that it is a clue for a logic puzzle, now you have to find thepuzzle.

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In theleft corner is a device (cabinet) with 5 knobs numbered 1 to 5, here you need that graypaper.

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Readthe instructions and solve the puzzle. You must take out those 5 knobs and thenput them into the correct holes

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If you cannotfigure it out, here is thesolution.

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Placethe knobs in the correct holes and then pull the lever and......Agear is now moved to the left, into the gear cabinet.

Nowyou are going to open the door of Mechanics on the other side. . Walk back to the ladder and climb up.Walk back to the device on the other side.

Nowput the dark pieces on the 9 o'clock position, with choice 1 and 3 you can movethem 2 by 2 again.

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Walkto the ladder and jump down again. Now walk to Main Square because the entranceto Mechanics on this side is now closed.

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Walkto the left to the stairs to the hanging platform.

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Atthe top of the stairs go into the hut. In the left corner, you will findthe next puzzle.

Followthe Lights puzzle

(A.K. A Simon Says puzzle)

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (12)

Wecan't give you a solution because this is a random puzzle. The order isdifferent for every player and every time.

You must go through 3 series of lights and you must repeat the series of lightsthat light up in each serie .

Thereare 5 lights. Light number 6 is the Start buttonwith which you start a sequence. Numberthe lights from top to bottom 1 to 5 . You start a serie with the start button.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (13)

Whenyou click the Start Button yousee a series of lights, you have to remember this sequence and then imitateit by clicking on the right buttons in the right order. You have to do this 3times and each sequence is longer than the previous one. The first sequence 5lights, the second sequence is 7 lights but the third series is 14lights.You can try to memorizeit and write it down quickly but that won't work with the 3th serie because itall goes to quickly. After the first serie you click the start button again tostart the 2e serie. After the second serie you click the start button again tostart the 3th serie. If you go wrong with a serie you must start that serieagain with the start button but the sequence will then be different

Note from Louis: Icould do serie 1 and 2 easily but serie 3 was to much for me, so I used mysmartphone to make a video of the 3th serie with 14 lights. I paused the game tolook at the video on my smartphone and noted down the serie of 14 light on apiece of paper and then I used that note to succesfully do the 3th serie.

Whenyou have completed this puzzle succesfully the grate door, on the right, pops open.

Open the gratedoor completely and select the gear, you found inthe mine, then click on the shaft between the gears.

to place your gear there

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (14)

Leavethe hut and go back to the ladderon the North Shore and climb up again

Wback to the device at the back. Nowpull the lever on the left, because it is now no longer blocked.

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Yousee lots of things happening in the hut again and the rings and the dark pieceshave disappeared.

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Walkback to the ladder and climb down again.


Enter theMechanics hut again.

Both doors are now open

Mechanicshas now changed. In the dome of this hangs the Cannon, but the spiral staircase toget to thetop has yet to show up.

Wegoing to make that happens, but it's a lot of work.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (17)

There is a lot to see but you cannot do much here now.Go to the long low table, on the left there are 2 things. Right at the corner isa glass box with a separate key of which you already have 2. Unfortunately you cannottake that key now. Next to it is a key with 4 cross barsin a box. Take that key.'sthe key for the iron maiden in the mine

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Onthe blackboard against the wall is a drawing. What it means and what you have todo with it you don't know yet

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Leavethe hut and go via the Main Square to the mine.


Walkinto the mine and cross the bridge to the strange device that was built in andon the rock.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (20)

TheIron Maiden puzzle

Youneed to insert that key with the 4 bars into the back of this device

Select the key with the 4 bars and then click on top of thatdevice. Unfortunaly the key doesn't fit into the device

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You have toadjust the key first so take the key out of the device and open your inventory(Q), select the key.

Now you can adjust it by clicking on the small keys in must be like this

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Goout of your inventory and click again on the keyhole, the key fits now and therods now come out even. The Iron Maiden now opens.

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Thepurpose of this device is to convert your orange / yellow crystal into a whitecrystal.

You see the holder wherethe yellow crystal must go in, do that and close the contraption.

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Whenyou have placed the yellow crystal in the iron maiden turn to the 4 columnsbehind it. This is the "Tower of Hanoi"puzzle.. Asyou can see, there are 4 columns, name them from left to right A, B, C,D.Column A and D have 9 boxes, column B has 4 boxes and column C has 12 boxes. Next to columnD you see a lever . At the bottom of each column you see abutton, whichyou can turn on and off. Only one button can be on at the same time. Below thatyou see a rail with a slider. You can slide theslider to put it under A, B, C or D.

Withthe on / off buttons you determine from which column you get the yellow squaresand with the slider you determine where the yellow squares go to. You have to dothis in 3 phases because you have to buildup a huge pressure in the iron maiden to convert the yellow crystal in toa white crystal. Theinitial situation is the same at each stage, 9 yellow boxes in column A and 4 incolumn D. On column C you see a yellow line, which is at a different location ineach phase. The intention is to fill column C with yellow boxes up to the yellowline.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (25)

Thispuzzle is a very sophisticated variation of the "Tower of Hanoi"puzzle. You solve in in 3 phases.

in each of the phases you have to fill column C up to the yellow line

Beloware 3 tables, 1 for each phase.

Youchoose the column where the boxes go out with the on / off button and the columnthey are going to, then move the lever and the yellow squares are moved.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (26)

Explanationof the tables:

The first column shows wherethe yellow boxes come out and where they are going to.

In the next boxes youwill find the number of yellow boxes in each column after you have pulled thelever

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (27) C:means that the light under column A is on and the slider is under column C.


Select a column withthe buttons and slide the slider under the column that you want to fill with thesquares of the selected column.

Fill column C to the yellow line, so make sure that 10 cells in column C turn yellow

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This table for Phase 1 shows you how to dothis

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When you have filledColum C with 10 squares the pressure in the iron maiden starts to build up

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Youmust fill column C with 6 squares now. The table shows you how to do this

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Inside the Iron Maidenthe pressure goes up again, but it's still not enough

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Nowyou must fill Column C with 12 squares. The table shows you how you can do this

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after the third Phase the Iron Maiden explodes and goes open. Takethe now white crystal from the Iron Maiden.

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Leavethe mine at the front side. Go left through the gate and immediately right.

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Walkuntil you cannot go any further, that is not far because a part of thepath

is missing

Aholder for a torch hangs to the right on the wall.

Select your white crystal andclick on the holder and now a number of iron boards will appear and form thepath.

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Takeback the white crystal because you need it inMechanics

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Walkalong the path, turn left down the stairs and continue your way.


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Alittle further to the left you see a cupboard and right next to it you see asuspension bridge.

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Stand in front of the cupboard, in factthey are 2 cupboards. Openboth doors.

In the uppercupboard you see a drawing of a device with a quartercircle, which have something to do with each other.

In the lowercupboard you see adevice lying down, take this device and look at it in your inventory.

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Itturns out to be a kind of remote control / transmitter, it’s sending sound that lets youactivate things remotely. If you have selected this thing, your cursor willbecome a big circle. Point the circle at something you need to activate and thenclick with the left mouse button, then that is activated.

Now walk onto thesuspension bridge and if you have selected that device you will now see a largecircle.

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Halfwayon the bridge you will again see a cut scene of a green light and thewoman's voice that speaks to you.

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Afterthe cut scene you look at the other side, there you see a door, right next to thebridge is something in the water.

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Itlooks like a big ball with a round hole in it. You have to activate this withyour remote control but youcannot do that from here.

Keepyour remote control selected

Walk back to the path and turn left, you will see arock ahead that blocks the path.

Near the suspension bridge there is an openingin the rocks, turn towards it and you will see that big sphere.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (44)

Withyour circle cursor, aim for the hole in that sphere and activateit, so left click on it. Turn backto the right and continue along the path.

Whenyou are close to the blockage, it will slide to the side. You are now on a pathto the North Shore.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (45)

Followthe path a few steps and when you get to the sandy path, turn immediately to the left andlook up.

Ona rocky point you see a round disc, select your transmitter stick and aim onthat round disk. Now activate that disc, it opens up.

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Walkpast the jetty, past the oven and then up the stairs to mechanics.

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Insideturn around. Tothe right of the entrance hangs a holder for the crystals.

Select your whitecrystal and click on the holder to place the white crystal in the holder.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (48)

Alongthe wall there are 5 poles with at the top a lamp and at the bottom a squarebox. Now that the white crystal is hanging in the holder, you see a pattern inthose 5 boxes and if you have followed the walkthrough so far, one of the lights at thetop of the poles is now lit. You also see a beam of light that goes from that pole to the centerof the room. This light beam means that one of the pipes in the engineroom is in the right place. Remember the pattern of this post.

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Each pipe has itsown bar pattern and to know which pipe is good you need to know the bar patternof each pipe.

Nowgo back to the engine room with the pipes.


Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (50)

Takea pipe out of the tube and place it in the press next to the door. Then pull thelever down.

Nowyou see on the box the pattern that belongs to that pipe, put the pipe back. Dothis with all the pipes and make a note of the patterns.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (51)

Youhave to change the first 4 pipes on the machine and then walk to Mechanics tosee which one is right now.

Thisis the starting position, you see that the right pipe is good if you have atleast noted which pattern is good.

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Sochange pipe pieces and then walk to Mechanics and see which lamps are burningnow and which pattern is included, then you know which pipes are good. If theyare not all right yet, walk back to the engine room and change the pipes thatare not right. If you do not feel like trying and going back and forth, you lookat the following screenshot because that's how it should be.

Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (53)

Walkback to Mechanics. that has now been transformed into the Teleporter Cannonhouse


Youenter Mechanics and you now see 5 light beams from the top of the 5 poles to thecenter.Ifyou do not see the light beams then you have taken the white crystal out of theholder here. If you did this then put the white crystal back intothe holder to get those light beams These beams of light are directed upwards through mirrors.

Buthow do you get up there now. You now see a pillar standing at the round grid in themiddle of the floor

Goto the little pillar and press the little white buttonand....

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......Now the spiralstaircase comes up, so now you can go up to the Dome of this Mechanics hut.

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We go on with thewalkthrough in:

Chapter9: Teleporters and teleporting:

2018: Walkthrough by:Dick Leeuw and : Louis Koot

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Mystery Manor Adventure Quern Undying Thoughts 8 Walkthrough (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.