Spirituality & Charism | Angela Merici (2024)

ONLINE RESOURCES[printed resources listed below these entries]


Barsotti, Divo (1980) The Spirituality of St. Angela Merici, translated by Sr. M. Dominic Kelly (1985). Sligo Printing. Roman Union Province of Ireland & Wales (see Books)

Buser, Martha, OSU.Also in Your Midst : Reflections on the Spirituality of St. Angela Merici. 1990. Spanish translation:Estaré Con Ustedes.French translation:D’hier à demain toujours au milieur de vous: Reflexions sur la spiritualitéd’Angèle Mérici, [tr. Claire des Rivieres, OSU:1992.]Video Discussion by chapter

____________. Lover of us All: Further Reflections on the Spirituality of St Angela Merici. Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, 2012. Video Discussion by chapter Charism video

____________.All About Love: Reflections over the Decades with St Angela Merici – The Angeline Writings of Martha (Olga) Buser.

Mariani, Luciana, Elisa Tarolli, and Marie Seynaeve.Angela Merici : Contribution Towards a Biography. Milano: Ancora Milano, 1989. [critical study] Internet Archive edition

Rio, Marie-Bénédicte, OSU [RU]. Angela Merici: The scribe and the witnesses [Three Writings of Gabriel Cozzano, Angela’s secretary and Chancellor of the Company (1540-1546)] Testimonies of the Life of the Reverend Mother Sister Angela Franciscan Tertiary or Processo Nazari (1568). Rome. Roman Union of the Order of Saint Ursula. 2001.

____________. Elements of Ursuline History & Spirituality. (English tr. Mary Benedict Davies, OSU, 1992-93; unpublished manuscript.). Rome.1989-90. pp359.

Stone, M. Ignatius, OSU. Angela’s Alphabet: Culled from Her Life and Writings.Kent, UK. 2009.

____________. Commentary on the Writings of St Angela Merici : Rule, Counsels, Legacies. 1996.

Conferences & Reflections

1991 Inter-Ursuline Conference – Rome.Conference Papers. Schedule with links to individual papers.

Buser, Martha, OSU (Louisville). “Angela & Aging.” 1998. 4pp.

____________. “Angela & Living a Discerned Life.” 1998. 6pp.

____________. “Contemporary Spirituality of St Angela Merici.”11pp.

Centro Mericiano [Brescia, Italy] “The extraordinary Experience of St Angela Merici (ca. 1476-1540).” 4pp. (3/25/12).

Curtis, Carol, OSU (Louisville). “Angela and Creation.” 4pp.

____________. “Pentecost Reflection.” 2pp.Video version

____________. “Ecology of the Heart— Angela & Laudato Si’.” 4ppVideo version(14m)

du Lubac, Henri, SJ. “Ursuline Spirituality,” from Les Ursulines de l’Union Romaine. 1958. 10pp.

Schweri, Helen Margaret, OSU (Louisville). “Life of St Angela: Daughter of a Peasant & Foundress of the Ursuline Order.”(tr. from “Santi e Santuari” #41, Milan, 1979).8pp.

Seynaeve, Marie, OSU [RU]full conference listings with complete titles [English & original] *all titles translated and reproduced with permission of the Ursulines of the Roman Union.

__________. “Angela, Messenger of Peace.” 9pp.

__________. “Angela & Non-Violence.” 7pp.[Saint-Saulve, for educational communities]

__________. “Angela & the Holy Spirit.” 6pp.

__________. “Angela & the Spirit of the Beatitudes.” 4pp.

__________. “Angela & the Trinity: A Theological & Spiritual Reading of the Rule.” 14pp.

__________.“Angela explains Scripture.”2pp.

__________. “Angela’s Charism as Spouse of the Lord.” 10pp.

__________.“Angela’s Closeness to Nature.”3pp.

__________. “Angela’s Counsel Adapted for Senior Sisters.” [Saint-Saulve, July 6, 2021].4pp.

__________. “Angela’s Counsels for the Coronavirus Epidemic.” 2pp.

__________.“Angela’s Path to the Father.” 8pp. for Ursuline Associates at Beaugency.

__________. “Angela’s Merici’s Vision Leadership and Governance.” 12pp.

__________. “Angela’s Way to Holiness.” [Saint-Saulve, January 2019]. 9pp.

__________. “Apostolic Charism.”8pp.

__________. “Attention to the Person.”7pp.

__________. “Called Anew.”8pp.

__________. “Catechetical Elements.”7pp.

__________. “Christ for Angela.” 6pp.

__________. “Common Life in the Work of St Angela.”5pp.

__________. “Common Life: Roots & Traces.”8pp.compilation of two conferences.

__________. “Consecrated Life.”4pp.

__________. “Conversion.”7pp.

__________. “Dialogue & Shared Responsibility.” 4pp.

__________. “Faith.”4pp.

__________. “Fidelity to the Charism.”3pp.

__________. “Formation Counsels.”8pp.

__________. “Francis & Angela.” International gathering of Roman Union Ursulines. 15pp.

__________. “Good Government Counsels.”8pp.

__________. “Governance according to St Angela Merici.”12pp.

__________.“Governance & Leadership.”12pp.compilation of two conferences

__________. “Governing for God.”8pp.

__________. “Governing with Others.”8pp.

__________. “Joy of the Gospel.”5pp.

__________.“Justice and Peace.” 10pp.

__________. “Life & Message of St. Angela Merici: Your message for us today.” 14pp.

__________. “Life & Personality of St. Angela Merici: Your message for us today.” *Centro

__________. “Liturgical Prayer in Relation to Everyday Life.” 8pp.

__________. “Mercy.”7pp.[with Marie Odilia Jaugey]

__________.“Message of Eternity.” 4pp.

__________. “Message of Hope.”8pp.

__________. “Missionary Charism.” 12pp.

__________.“Mutual Love: Angela’s Writings in Light of the Encyclical“Joy of Loving.” 8pp.

__________.“Obedience, Path of Love.” 8pp.Beaugency.

__________. “Obedience According to St Angela.” 7pp.

__________. “Passion for Unity.” 5pp.

__________. “Pedagogical Scope.”11pp.

__________. “Perseverance.”5pp.

__________. “Pilgrimage.” 12pp.

__________. “Poverty.”7pp.

__________. “Praying with Angela.” 12pp.

__________. “Prophetic Charism.” 16pp.

__________. “Reconciliation.” 6pp.

__________. “Spirit of Adaptation.” 5pp.

__________. “Spiritual Discernment.” 8pp.

__________. “Spiritual Motherhood.”7pp.

__________. “Spiritual Progress.” 7pp.

__________.“Spirituality.” 3pp.

__________. “Virginity.”7pp.

__________. “Way of Love.” 5pp.

Articles & Papers

Curry, Anne, OSU [RU]. “Angela Merici: Woman of Vision with a Pilgrim’s Heart.” Inter-Ursuline Gathering proceedings. Rome. 1991.

Curtis, Carol, OSU (Louisville). The Way Love Works: The Charism of Community in Saint Angela Merici. [thesis]. St Meinrad, IN. 2019. Introductory video

____________. Above All: Envisioning a Community of Love – A Survey of the Spirituality of Saint Angela Merici. St. Meinrad, IN. 2018.

Klaffenbach, Karen, OSU (Paola). “Angela and the Eucharist.”

Latz, Dorothy L..“The Writings of St. Angela Merici in the Light of Bonaventuran Exemplarism: The Motherhood, Fatherhood, and Transcendence of God.” Mystics Quarterly. 10 (1984), 126-35. JSTOR preview

Lesousky, Christine, OSU (Louisville). St Angela and her Charism of Reconciliation.”

Mazzonis, Querciolo. “A female ideal of religious perfection: Angela Merici and the Company of St Ursula (1535-1540).” Renaissance Studies. 18(3). 391-411.

____________.The Impact of Renaissance Gender-Related Notions on the Female Experience of the Sacred: The Case of Angela Merici’s Ursulines, [Academia.edu link]. pp 51-67.

Miller, Linda Lucarell, The Merician Charism in an Ursuline High School[dissertation]. 2012.

Waller, M Concetta, OSU (Louisville).“God’s Creative Goodness Manifested in the Call & Charism of Angela.”

Zappa, Jean Anne, OSU (Louisville). “Angela and Saint Paul.” St Meinrad, IN.

Online post:COSU blog, “Monica.” Series of spiritual reflections engaging Angela’s spirituality. 2009-13.



Barsotti, Divo (1980) The Spirituality of St. Angela Merici, translated by Sr. M. Dominic Kelly (1985). Sligo Printing. Roman Union Province of Ireland & Wales (see Resources)

Buser, Martha, OSU.Also in Your Midst : Reflections on the Spirituality of St. Angela Merici. 1990. Spanish translation:Estaré Con Ustedes.French translation:D’hier à demain toujours au milieur de vous: Reflexions sur la spiritualitéd’Angèle Mérici, [tr. Claire des Rivieres, OSU:1992.]Video Discussion by chapter

____________. Lover of us All: Further Reflections on the Spirituality of St. Angela Merici. Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, 2012. Video Discussion by chapter Charism video

Durkin, Mary-Cabrini.Angela Merici’s Journey of the Heart : The Rule, the Way. 2005.

____________.Leadership from the Heart: Guidance from Angela Merici.2019.

Howard, Janice, OSU. Angela: A woman faced with two alternatives, she saw and chose the third. Australian Province of Ursulines, Croydon Park, NSW, Australia. 1989.

Ledóchowska, Teresa.Angela Merici and the Company of St. Ursula : According to the Historical Documents. v.1-2. Rome: Ancora, 1967.

____________. In Search of the Charism of the Institute of the Ursulines of the Roman Union. Rome: Ursulines of the Roman Union, 1976.

Margoni, Alberto.Angela Merici: The Intuition of the Secular Spirituality.[tr. Ursulines of Malta]. Rubbettino: 2004.

Mariani, Luciana, OSU, and Marie-Benedicte Rio, OSU [tr. Armida Veglio, OSU]. Against the Tide: Angela Merici. [Contra Vents et Marées au Souffle de l’Esprit]. Rome. 2004.

Mariani, Luciana, Elisa Tarolli, and Marie Seynaeve.Angela Merici : Contribution Towards a Biography. Milano: Ancora Milano, 1989. [critical study] Internet Archive edition

Mazzonis, Querciolo.Spirituality, Gender, and the Self in Renaissance Italy: Angela Merici and the Company of St. Ursula (1474-1540). Washington, D.C.: CUAmerica Press, 2007.

Rio, Marie-Bénédicte, OSU [RU]. Angela Merici: The scribe and the witnesses [Three Writings of Gabriel Cozzano, Angela’s secretary and Chancellor of the Company (1540-1546)] Testimonies of the Life of the Reverend Mother Sister Angela Franciscan Tertiary or Processo Nazari (1568). Rome. Roman Union of the Order of Saint Ursula. 2001.

Stone, M. Ignatius, OSU. Angela’s Alphabet: Culled from Her Life and Writings.Kent, UK. 2009.

____________. Commentary on the Writings of St Angela Merici : Rule, Counsels, Legacies. 1996.

*Vas, Sister Rita. The Spirituality of Evangelical Charity in the Life and Writings of St. Angela Merici.Bangalore, India.


Follow the Spirit: Angela Merici and the Ursulines. Editions Signe. 1998.

Forward in Joy: 365 Days with Angela Merici. Strasbourg: Editions Signe. 2005?

With a Great and Longing Heart: Praying with Angela Merici. Editions Signe.

Articles, Papers & Chapter Selections

Blaisdell. Charmarie J. “Angela Merici and the Ursulines.” DeMolen, Richard L, and John C Olin, eds.Religious Orders of the Catholic Reformation : In Honor of John C. Olin on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday. New York: Fordham University Press, 1994. 99-138.

*Jarrell, Lynn, OSU (Louisville).Charism of Angela. [license]. Catholic University. 1980.

Latz, Dorothy L.. St. Angela Merici and the Spiritual Currents of the Italian Renaissance,[dissertation].1986.

___________. “The Writings of St. Angela Merici in the Light of Bonaventuran Exemplarism: The Motherhood, Fatherhood, and Transcendence of God.” Mystics Quarterly. 10 (1984), 126-35. JSTOR preview

McBride, Alfred, O.Praem. “Angela Merici: A Champion of Educational Rights for Women.” (ch). Saints are People: Church History through the Saints. Wm Brown Co. 1981. pp131-6.

Mazzonis, Querciolo. Angela Retreat Experience, Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland (Pepper Pike, Ohio), July 2011.

*Thorburn, M Germaine, OSU (Cincinnati). “The Christology of St Angela.”

*Location of texts pending: Please notify mericistudies@gmail.com if you discover a copy. Thank you.

Writings Prior to mid-20th century

[Roman Union?] The Spirit of Saint Angela. 1950.

Undset, Sigrid. “St. Angela Merici: A Champion of the Women’s Movement.” (ch)Stages on the Road (tr. From Norwegian Arthur G. Chater). 1934. Reprint 2012. E-book available.

Spirituality & Charism | Angela Merici (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.