Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (2024)


Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (1)

This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.12) of the game.

Event chains

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (2)


Empire event chains

Habitable Worlds Survey

Comet Sighted

Fleet Maneuvers

Horizon Signal

Mass Extinction Through the Ages

Radical Cult

Sublight Exploration Probes

Wanderlust: Rogue Scientist

The Hunt for the Hyacinth

Fountain of Youth

Genetic Crossroads

On the Shoulders of Giants


The Cost of Freedom

The Fear of the Dark

The Guest

Anomaly event chains

Gas Giant Signal

Impossible Organism


Orbital Speed Demon

Shrines to the Old Gods

The Ransomeers

42 Years and 3 Days

Lost Amoeba

Colony event chains

A New Species

Abandoned Terraforming Equipment

Ancient Drones

Dancing Plague

Feral Overload

Glacial Crisis

Hidden Vault

Impossible Corrie

Metallic Puddles

Mharin Kharin

Migrating Forests

Mushroom Picking

Myrmeku Activity

Nemma World

Rise of the Manifesti

Stasis Prison

Subterranean Civilization

The Doorway

Underground Vault

Unexpected Mineral Seams

Primitive civilization event chains

Anti-Alien Task Force

Missing Scientist

Rogue Agent

Shuttle Crash

Propulsion Proponent Proclamation

Available only with the The Machine Age DLC enabled.

All empires that completed the Synthetization situation will receive the Digital Refactoring event chain in 6 months. The event chain keeps track of whether the empire favored people being uploaded into physical bodies or remote-controlling them. At the end of the event chain the empire will have the option to switch to a new authority set based on the choices made.


  • 1 Initial event
    • 1.1 Digital Refactoring
    • 1.2 Digital Refactoring
    • 1.3 Digital Refactoring
    • 1.4 Digital Refactoring
    • 1.5 Digital Refactoring
  • 2 Follow-up events
    • 2.1 Home Server Architecture
    • 2.2 Organic Cravings
    • 2.3 Synth Provenance
    • 2.4 Infinite Possibility Matrix
    • 2.5 Respawn
    • 2.6 Synthetic Medicine
  • 3 Final event
    • 3.1 Synthesized Society
    • 3.2 Synthesized Society
    • 3.3 Synthesized Society
    • 3.4 Synthesized Society
    • 3.5 Synthesized Society

Initial event[edit | edit source]

The initial event takes place 6 months after the Synthetization situation is completed. There are 5 initial events, one for each authority.

Digital Refactoring

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (15)

Thanks to the efforts of our government, the consciousness of every willing citizen has been transferred into digital form. Synthesization has opened paths we cannot yet imagine, leading to new challenges and possibilities.

By focusing our efforts on the physical world, we could transport our digitized minds across great distances to a new body already prepared for us. Or we can come up with means to create remotely operated surrogate soldiers to alleviate the rigors of war.

Trigger conditions:
  • Democratic
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (18) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (19)

We should focus on freedom of movement.

  • Physical choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (20)

We must prepare for the horrors of war.

  • Virtual choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (21)

While the synthesization has already affected society in ways we could have never anticipated, the general sentiment is that we could go even further. Our current synthetic bodies can be improved, or even discarded entirely for fully virtual existence.

If we decide to assign a synthetic body to everyone, it could enable officials to temporarily take over the bodies of ineffective members of the government. Alternatively, foregoing bespoke physical forms in favor of a fully virtual, communal experience would enable us to execute decisions with more efficiency than ever before.

Trigger conditions:
  • Oligarchic
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (24) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (25)

Focus taking over ineffectual bodies.

  • Physical choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (26)

Study holistic virtual overseeing options.

  • Virtual choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (27)

Complete synthesization of the population has proved a resounding success. Our organic past been left in the dust of history, but to charter a way forward, [ruler title] [ruler name] requires both the unconditional obedience of our brightest minds, and a decision.

Improving our synthetic bodies would allow individuals to control multiple hosts at one. Alternatively, we could forgo physical space entirely, manipulating public sentiment through a fully virtual environment.

Trigger conditions:
  • Dictatorial
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (30) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (31)

Focus on neuro-synched bodies.

  • Physical choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (32)

Concentrate on virtual manipulation.

  • Virtual choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (33)

While the synthesization has already affected the empire in unforeseen ways, the population seems willing to go even further. Our synthetic bodies could become extensions of our identity, or mere tools to control remotely by our virtual consciousness. Our path is yet undecided.

We can research means to rapidly transfer a consciousness from one expendable body to another. Alternatively, we could focus on extracting knowledge from the recently deceased to accelerate our research efforts.

Trigger conditions:
  • Imperial
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (36) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (37)

Look into extracting knowledge from the deceased.

  • Physical choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (38)

Study rapid consciousness transfer.

  • Virtual choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (39)

Synthesization of our entire society merits an in-depth risk and benefit analysis. While we are entering a new, profitable frontier of synthesized future, we are also leaving our more materialistically aligned customer base behind. In a perfect world we would like to retain both segments in some capacity.

Advancements in synthesization-related fields such as artificial intelligence would allow us to imbue inanimate objects with rudimentary life, and launch multiple product lines. A more complete exploration of the virtual space would make it possible to tap into people's memories as a new type of commodity.

Trigger conditions:
  • Corporate
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (42) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (43)

Study incorporation of AIs.

  • Physical choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (44)

Research turning memories into profit.

  • Virtual choice
  • Counts twice as much as other event choices

Follow-up events[edit | edit source]

After the initial event there are two sets of 3 events each that can take place. One event from each set will happen.

Home Server Architecture

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (45)

Synthesization of the entire [main species adjective] species has also meant a drastic shift in our housing practices; with minds resting easy in massive server farms, synthetic bodies can be stored in shelves. While this represents a cost-effective solution, some advocacy groups are raising some very real concerns.

The previously lucrative real-estate market could collapse entirely, leaving a considerable dent in our economy. Potentially more damaging, at least from a psychological perspective, is that people will no longer have a physical place to call home.

Trigger conditions:
  • Digital Refactoring
  • 33% chance
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (47) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (48)

Centralized servers are most efficient.

  • Virtual choice
  • Centralized Server Farms modifier added for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • −50% Pop Housing Usage
    • −20% Happiness

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (51)

Individual servers can be stored in existing homes.

  • Physical choice
  • Distributed Home Servers modifier added for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • −10% Pop Housing Usage
    • +20% Happiness

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (54)

Start selling digital homes.

  • Virtual choice
  • Digitalized Real-Estate modifier added for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • −25% Pop Housing Usage
    • +10% Trade Value

Organic Cravings

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (58)

Unenthusiastic about synthesization, some people look back with longing to their organic past. They argue that shorter lifespans and the innate imperfection of a "natural body" made life more meaningful.

Claiming that their synthetic or virtual facsimiles feel impersonal and hollow, a group of hardliners are developing a cult-like devotion to organic bodies.

Perhaps we should provide them a less perfect simulation in which to exist. Or would they prefer an imperfect shell?

Trigger conditions:
  • Digital Refactoring
  • 33% chance
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (60) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (61)

Introduce planned imperfections to synth bodies.

  • Physical choice
  • Deliberate Synth Imperfections modifier added for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Monthly Unity
    • +15% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
    • −5% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (65)

Provide them with an imperfect world.

  • Virtual choice
  • Life In A Simulation modifier added for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Happiness
    • −10% Resources from Jobs

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (68)

It's foolish to romanticize the past.

  • Neutral choice
  • Organic Hardliners Refused modifier added for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • −20% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
    • −10% Happiness

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (71)

Pain will remind them of their purpose.

  • Virtual choice
  • Virtual Battle Arena modifier added for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • −10% Pop Amenities Usage
    • −10% Pacifist Ethics Attraction

Synth Provenance

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (75)

The fundamental social changes brought on by synthesization are beginning to be felt. No longer limited by corporeal forms, we have radically redefined categories of gender, race, and bodily autonomy. While freeing for some, more traditional elements are reluctant to let go of the old framework; they desire a preset identity from which to operate.

To appease them, we could retain parts of our organic heritage in our synthetic form. Alternatively, we may want to allow the population to express their identity more freely.

Trigger conditions:
  • Digital Refactoring
  • 33% chance
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (77) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (78)

Maintain our original form.

  • Physical choice
  • Imitate Old Organic Form modifier added for 50 years, giving the following effects:
    • +15% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (80)

Allow unrestricted body modification.

  • Virtual choice
  • Unrestricted Synth Body Modification modifier added for 50 years, giving the following effects:
    • +15% Materialist Ethics Attraction

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (82)

Enact moderate limits for identity customization.

  • Neutral choice

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (83)

Visible status symbols must remain.

  • Virtual choice
  • Restricted Synth Body Modification modifier added for 50 years, giving the following effects:
    • +0.2 Ruler Political Power
    • +0.1 Specialist Political Power

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (88)

Naturally this can be monetized...?

  • Virtual choice
  • Monetized Synth Body Modification modifier added for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • +5% Monthly Energy Credits

Infinite Possibility Matrix

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (91)

Digital industry is booming. From the thrill of simulating a first person adventure to relaxing on a digital resort, virtual entertainment has never been more engaging - or as addictive. While this burgeoning industry represents a key economic driver, production in the physical world has begun to suffer as people spend more and more time in their digital utopias. Some are in danger of losing touch with "real" life completely, but could still contribute to society by participating in the digital economy.

Should we ban addictive virtual worlds, promote them as a new form of lucrative entertainment or find a middle ground through regulation?

Trigger conditions:
  • Digital Refactoring
  • 33% chance
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (93) 12 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (94)

Ban persistently addictive virtual worlds.

  • Physical choice
  • Outlawed Virtual Worlds modifier added for 10 years, giving the following effects:
    • +3% Resources from Jobs
    • +15% Pop Amenities Usage

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (97)

Promote these virtual paradises.

  • Virtual choice
  • Promoted Virtual Worlds modifier added for 10 years, giving the following effects:
    • +15% Trade Value
    • −5% Resources from Jobs

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (100)

Regulate the industry.

  • Neutral choice
  • Regulated Virtual Worlds modifier added for 10 years, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Trade Value
    • +5% Pop Amenities Usage

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (103)

Finally, the ultimate paradise!

  • Virtual choice
  • Promoted Virtual Worlds modifier added for 10 years, giving the following effects:
    • +15% Trade Value
    • −5% Resources from Jobs
  • Unity Gained: 250-1000000


Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (109)

We have become faster, better, stronger. But subjecting synthetic bodies to dangerous situations still comes at a mental cost. Knowing that the mind can be restored may lessen the trauma, but does not remove it entirely. Especially as the retrieval is not always guaranteed. Neither can new bodies simply be manufactured out of thin air.

We can either disregard the psychological trauma to push the boundaries of synth performance or moderate our ambitions lest we endanger the mental wellbeing of the population.

Trigger conditions:
  • Digital Refactoring
  • 33% chance
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (111) 12 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (112)

Continue to push the limits.

  • Physical choice
  • Relaxed Synth Safety Standards modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +25% Army Damage
    • +10% Monthly Minerals
    • +10% Monthly Volatile Motes
    • −20% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (117)

Exercise caution.

  • Virtual choice
  • Synth Safety Standards modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +20% Happiness
    • +20% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (120)

The elite should not be placed at risk.

  • Physical choice
  • Synth Safety Privilege modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +20% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
    • +15% Ruler Happiness
    • +15% Specialist Happiness
    • −10% Worker Happiness

Synthetic Medicine

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (127)

Our new synthetic forms have freed us from ailments and injuries of the organic body. Unfortunately, they have also created a whole new set of issues, from simple mechanical breakdowns to life-threatening server stability, connection concerns, and digital viruses.

Should we concentrate on protecting our digitized minds, regarding the body as a disposable commodity, or give it more attention as an extension of our identity?

Trigger conditions:
  • Digital Refactoring
  • 33% chance
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (129) 12 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (130)

We must continue to protect the body.

  • Physical choice
  • Synth Physical Health Focus modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Engineering Research Speed

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (132)

Concentrate on protecting the mind.

  • Virtual choice
  • Synth Mental Health Focus modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Society Research Speed

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (134)

Balance is the key.

  • Neutral choice
  • Balanced Synth Health Focus modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +5% Engineering Research Speed
    • +5% Society Research Speed

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (137)

Body is a sacred container for the soul.

  • Physical choice
  • Synth Physical Health Focus modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Engineering Research Speed
  • Unity Gained: 150-100000

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (142)

We have already transcended the physical form.

  • Virtual choice
  • Synth Mental Health Focus modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Society Research Speed

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (146)

These new ailments offer serious growth potential...

  • Physical choice
  • Synth Medicalization modifier added for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +5% Society Research Speed
    • +5% Trade Value

Final event[edit | edit source]

The final event takes place 6 months after both follow-up events have take place. There are 5 final events, one for each authority.

Synthesized Society

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (150)

Being hesitant amidst an incomprehensible change is understandable. Many are more worried about what they might lose rather than what they could gain. But we cannot stand idle in the crossroads, and so must lead our people onwards.

This could mean either creating a selection of specialized personal bodies for people to jump into at will, or fully embracing their synthesized form to endure rigors of space travel and warfare.

Trigger conditions:
  • Democratic
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (153) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (154)

[Physical >= Virtual] Facilitate moving between physical bodies.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic physical ones
  • Changes Authority: Democratic Transference

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (156)

[Virtual >= Physical] Use surrogates to fight for us.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic virtual ones
  • Changes Authority: Democratic Surrogacy
  • Primary species gains the Virtual trait

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (159)

Synthesization does not change who we are.

  • Keeps the current authority

Synthesized Society

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (160)

We have adapted all parts of society to synthetic life but data remains inconclusive on the benefits of further specialization.

We can either create identity backdoors which allow supervising officials to take over the bodies of ineffectual subordinates, or develop a networked virtual interface for them to oversee multiple government projects simultaneously without latency.

Trigger conditions:
  • Oligarchic
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (163) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (164)

[Physical >= Virtual] Allow officials to take over inefficient peers.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic physical ones
  • Changes Authority: Oligarchic Override

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (166)

[Virtual >= Physical] Embrace complete virtual oversight.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic virtual ones
  • Changes Authority: Oligarchic Supervision
  • Primary species gains the Virtual trait

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (169)

Synthesization does not change who we are.

  • Keeps the current authority

Synthesized Society

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (170)

The [main species adjective] population remains undecided on what form our digitized consciousness should take. More conservative voices would have us remain deeply rooted in corporeal bodies, while others resent this "half measure" between old and new.

It falls upon us to make that choice. The physical focus would allow a single worker to control multiple bodies, while a virtual existence would enable societal control on an unprecedented scale.

Trigger conditions:
  • Dictatorial
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (173) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (174)

[Physical >= Virtual] Create neuro-synched worker bodies.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic physical ones
  • Changes Authority: Dictatorial Manifold

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (176)

[Virtual >= Physical] Manipulate popular opinion in virtual space.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic virtual ones
  • Changes Authority: Dictatorial Indoctrination
  • Primary species gains the Virtual trait

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (179)

Synthesization does not change who we are.

  • Keeps the current authority

Synthesized Society

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (180)

The [main species adjective] empire is at a crossroads. Some believe bespoke physical bodies would bring us security and familiarity, while others argue against taking full advantage of the synthesization and everything it can bring.

Focusing on the physical aspects would enable us to repurpose the knowledge of recently destroyed dignitaries for our research efforts. Alternatively, the path to virtual existence would allow mass-replacement of destroyed synthetic bodies via rapid identity transfer.

Trigger conditions:
  • Imperial
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (183) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (184)

[Physical >= Virtual] Utilize the minds of our departed leaders.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic physical ones
  • Changes Authority: Imperial Feedback

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (186)

[Virtual >= Physical] Create disposable physical bodies.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic virtual ones
  • Changes Authority: Imperial Transmission
  • Primary species gains the Virtual trait

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (189)

Synthesization does not change who we are.

  • Keeps the current authority

Synthesized Society

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (190)

The Despite meticulous cost/benefit analysis, neither the physical or virtual specialization in the synthesization process is coming on top. We cannot, however, stand still at the edge of such opportunities and have to introduce one clear path for our stakeholders.

A focus on the physical world grants us the ability to imbue inanimate objects with constrained AI to be sold as simplified version of new life. Investments in the virtual realm would allow us to commodify memories and thought patterns.

Trigger conditions:
  • Corporate
Mean time to happen:

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (193) 6 months

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (194)

[Physical >= Virtual] Distribute constrained AI entities.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic physical ones
  • Changes Authority: Corporate Sapience

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (196)

[Virtual >= Physical] Commodify people's memories.

  • Replaces the authorities set with synthetic virtual ones
  • Changes Authority: Corporate Recollection
  • Primary species gains the Virtual trait

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (199)

Synthesization does not change who we are.

  • Keeps the current authority

Retrieved from ""

Digital Refactoring - Stellaris Wiki (2024)


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Article information

Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 5877

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.